Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Ve Enstrümanlarının Kullanılmasının Önemi

Özet Görüntüleme: 242 / PDF İndirme: 160



Today, 'globalization and the new world order', developments in information and technology, political and economic blocks have revealed a new understanding of the market. This notion forces organizations to change or rehabilitate the management instruments and management approaches they use in order to improve their power and ability to compete in the global market. Organizations that apply classical, traditional and modern management approaches have tended to benefit from total quality management understanding and instruments in order to increase their competitive power and ability in global markets and to produce quality products and services.

The understanding of quality in the production of products and services in global markets has come to the fore and has become a very important element for organizations. It is a necessity to use and implement total quality management practices and instruments in all kinds of organizational management and production processes. In this study, total quality management and its instruments were taken from many domestic and foreign literature databases and a general analysis was made theoretically. As a result of research and evaluation, it has been revealed that the use of total quality management concept and instruments in other organizational management systems will bring great success to organizations.





Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

AĞIN, K. (2022). Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Ve Enstrümanlarının Kullanılmasının Önemi. Atlas Journal, 8(49), 2756–2765. Geliş tarihi gönderen


