Writing Rules

1. At the beginning of the original essays submitted to ATLAS JOURNAL for being published, there must be included, both in native language in English, an at least 150-word and at most 200-word Abstract , Keywords consisting of 3 to 5 words and the Title.

2. For the citations in the manuscripts, either of APA or MLA systems can be used according to the preference of authors and certainly paying attention to a coherent standard throughout the text.

3. At the end of the text, a list of the sources used in the text should be given under the title REFERENCES. In this list of references used in the text, the last names of authors are given in alphabetical order of names of the authors.

4. The manuscripts should not include headers, footers or page numbers.

5. For spelling and punctuation, the dictionary of spelling by the Turkish Language Association will be used as a source, except the differences based on the content of the text.

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7. The manuscripts to be submitted to the system should be formatted by the author based on the following criteria:

            Paper feed: A4 Vertical (No horizontal lines should be included in the essay)

            Top margin: 2 cm

            Bottom Margin: 2 cm

            Left Margin: 2 cm

            Right Margin: 2 cm

            Font Type: Times New Roman

            Font Size: 12 point for the title, 12 for the text, 12 for the abstract and 12 for the footness

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8. Manuscripts that do not conform in any way to the Publication Principles of SOCIAL MENTALITY AND RESEARCHER THINKERS JOURNAL will not be taken into consideration.



Single Author

Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Drucker, P. (1999). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York.

Two Or Three Authors

Surname, First letter of name. & Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Kim, W. C. & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy, Harvard Business Review Press, United States.

Multiple Authors

Surname, First letter of name.; Surname, First letter of name. & Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Bond, W.R.; Smith, J.T.; Brown, K.L. & George, M. (1996). Management of small firms, McGraw-Hill, Sydney.

Translated Book

Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). Name of Book (Trans.), Place of Publication, City.

Colorado, J.A. (2006). Economic Theory in the Mexican Context: Recent Developments on the Ground (Trans.:K Smith.), Oxford University Press, Oxford.

A Chapter in an Edited Book

Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). “Chapter Title” (Ed. Name and Surname of Editor), Name of the Book, Page, Place of Publication, City.

Karluk, S.R. (2005). “Kıbrıs’ın AB Üyeliği AB’yi Böler mi?”. (Ed. Oğuz Kaymakçı ), Avrupa Birliği Üzerine Notlar, ss. 263-287, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.

Jones, MD. (ed.), (1998), Management in Australia, Academic Press, London.

Anonymous Book

Title, (Year of Publication), Place of Publication.

A history of Greece, (1994), Irwin, Sydney.


Single Author

Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article”, Title of the Journal, Vol (No):Page.

Siddiqi, K. O. (2011). “Interrelations Between Service Quality Attributes, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Retail Banking Sector in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Business and Management, 6(3):12-36.

Two Authors

Surname, First letter of name & Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article”, Title of the Journal, Vol(No):Page.

CHAKRABARTY, S. ve YELKUR, R., (2005), The Effects Of Ad İrritation On Brand Attitudes. Journal Of Promotion Management, Vol: 11, s. 37-48.

Three or More Authors

Surname, First letter of name.; Surname, First letter of name & Surname, First letter of name. (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article”, Title of the Journal, Vol(No):Page.

Sands, S.; Oppewal, H. & Beverland, M. (2009). ‘’The Effects of In-store Themed Events on Consumer Store Choice Decisions’’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16: 386-395.


Surname, First letter of name.  (Year). “Title of the Thesis”, Thesis Type, Institute,Place of Publication.

Liu, G. (2014). “Improving corporate Internet reporting in China”, Doctoral Thesis, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.


Surname, First letter of name, (Year), “Title of Paper”, Name of the Activity, Date of Activity, (Editor name and surname), Publisher, Pages, Place of the Activity

Wilson, J.A.J. & Liu J. (2010). “Halal Branding – strategic marketing means, motives and opportunities”, MIICEMA 2010 Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management & Accounting, 25th-26th Nov, National University of Malaysia, pp:49-62, Malaysia. 


Encyclopedia Entry

Surname, First letter of name. (Year). “Title”, Name of the encyclopedia, Volume No:, pp:Pages, City.

Bergmann, P.G. (1993). “Relativity”, In The New Encyclopedia  Britannica , Vol:26, pp:32-35, Chicago.

Newspaper Article

Surname, First letter of name. (Year). “Article Title”, Newspaper Title.

Regan, T. (2015), “Media Planning Toolkit: Planning Newsbrands”,  Warc Best Practice.

Official web sites

Abbreviation of the institution, Name of the institution, web adress

AMA, American Marketing Association, www.ama.org