Kohl And Kohl Tubes In The Middle Iron Age: An Evaluation On Neo-Assyrian, Babylonian, Late Hittite, Phrygian And Urartian Examples

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Kohl, Kuhl tubes, Urartu, Neo-Assyrian, Late Hittites


Although it is perceived as a feminine phenomenon, adornment is seen as a development in the evolution story of mankind. Early data on the desire for adornment, which arose as a result of both women's and men's emulation of the ‘beautiful and powerful’, have been encountered since the Lower Palaeolithic Period. Starting with body painting and continuing with the production of cosmetic products similar to today's ‘make-up products’ in the 5th millennium BC, cosmetic containers were needed to store these products. . Cosmetic containers are generally made of light and easy-to-carry materials such as bone and horn, but there are also examples made of glass or metal. A large number of cosmetic containers were found in Anatolia and Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC, used by kings and royals who ruled over many lands with their power potential, which can also be called empire. Especially in the 1st millennium BC, there was an increase in the use of these containers, most of which were used for the storage of kohl. The earliest evidence of kohl use was found in Egypt during the Old Kingdom Period. Produced from galena and antimony raw materials, kohl, which is not only good for beauty concerns but also for microbial eye diseases, is one of the basic cosmetic products that continue to be used today. The materials used in the production of kohl can be analysed through archaeometric analyses. Within the scope of the study, the kohl containers used in Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the first millennium BC were analysed in many ways.


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How to Cite

Çavuşoğlu, R., & Demirtaş, D. (2024). Kohl And Kohl Tubes In The Middle Iron Age: An Evaluation On Neo-Assyrian, Babylonian, Late Hittite, Phrygian And Urartian Examples. Atlas Journal, 10(55), 192–214. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14539538


