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The Analysis Of The Virtues Taking Place In The Secondary Education Geography And Logic Courses

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Geography, Logic, Secondary Education, Virtues, Coursebook


Coursebooks are one of the most commonly used materials. For that reason, they guide teaching process to a great extent. As for virtues, they are one of the most basic concepts used by social sciences. These universal virtues that are owned by all humanity in common sense are made to attain to students by means of course books. Therefore, there is a large literature regarding virtues. One of the social sciences contributing to the formation of literature is High School Geography 1 and Secondary Education Logic. For this reason, the current study was carried out to determine to what extent virtues take place in the secondary education coursebooks of geography and logic. For the data collection of the study, the course book the Board of Education as High School Geography 1 course book based on pass grade and credit system for five years with date of 23.05.2003 and no of 145 and the course book the Board of Education as coursebook with a date of 08.09.1995 and a no of 319 were investigated. As a result, the investigation, twentyfive virtues of ‘Kindness’, ‘Aesthetic’, ‘Friendship’, ‘Cleanliness’, ‘Helping Each Other’, ‘Love’, ‘Responsibility’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Industriousness’, ‘Cooperation’, ‘Family’, ‘Modesty’, ‘Hospitality’, ‘Respect’, ‘Solidarity’, ‘Justice’, ‘Peace’, ‘Honesty’, ‘Patriotism’, ‘Companionship’, ‘Spiritual and Cultural Components’, ‘Nature’, ‘Happiness’ and ‘Religious Culture Components’ were scanned and investigated. These twenty-five virtues that were determined in written and visual expressions in the secondary education coursebooks of Geography and Logic were scanned and how often these virtues were given place in the course books were tried to be determined. At the end of the evaluation, it was found that the mostly used virtues in the geography coursebook were ‘Spiritual and Cultural Components’, ‘Patriotism’, ‘Religious Culture Components’ and ‘Responsibility’. As for the coursebook of Secondary Education Logic, the virtues of ‘Industriousness’, ‘Nature’, ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Aesthetic’ were the mostly used virtues. The common virtues that were not given a place in both coursebooks were ‘Cleanliness’, ‘Modesty’, ‘Hospitality’, ‘Respect’, ‘Justice’ and ‘Peace’. In this sense, it is thought that the current study will contribute to the related literature in terms of investigating the virtues taking place in the coursebooks of High School Geography and Secondary Education Logic.


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How to Cite

Arslan, A., Nurcan, & Duman, E. Z. (2023). The Analysis Of The Virtues Taking Place In The Secondary Education Geography And Logic Courses . Atlas Journal, 9(52), 34–56.


