Use of Public Service Advertisements In Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

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Public Service Advertisements, Technology Supported Language Teaching, Teaching Turkish To Foreigners


from the conveniences of our age, preventing time wasting in the lesson, reducing stress, and making students active in the lesson. It has been determined by various findings how effective such applications are when viewed from the perspective of both the teacher and the student. In particular, technological materials are useful to save the classroom environment from passivity and accustom the students to the lesson. There are many scientific studies on the contributions of short videos, films, and TV series to language teaching and learning processes. The use of technology in the field of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language is limited. Public service advertisements have a structure that can be used in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language in terms of correct and proper use of Turkish. In this context, when it is used in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language course, it will contribute to the learners ability to using Turkish better. In this study, it is aimed to improve speaking and writing skills by various activities by using public service ads, named "Quit Smoking", "Hekimoğlu Coronavirus", "Sharing Your Wifi Password”, “Traffic is Life”, “Importance of Sign Language"  which are frequently used on television in Turkey, B1 level activities were eveloped and it was aimed to improve the language skills of students through public service announcements, which are a technological product. Five in-class activities are designed for each public spot in order for students to improve themselves in the areas of language expression, writing, and speaking skills, by using these public spots that give valuable messages to Turkish people. It is expected that the activities suggested in the study will improve the writing and speaking skills of the learners, and this development will affect their life social life. As a result, it has been pointed out that these classroom activities used provide an effective teaching in accordance with the level of those who want to learn the richness of Turkish as a foreign language, and it is especially beneficial for the student in terms of addressing language skill areas. The fact that no study has been carried out in the field using public spots shows the importance of the study. It is thought that these aspects of the study will set an example for the technology-supported language teaching studies in the field of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to be made from now on.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, F., & Kanbulat, E. (2023). Use of Public Service Advertisements In Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. Atlas Journal, 9(52), 67–82.


