Legal History Perspective and History Consciousness in the Qur'an

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Quran, Tafsir, History, Perspective, Story


 In this study, the legal history perspective in the Qur'an and the historical consciousness that is intended to be given to people are discussed.  Although there are academic studies on history in the Qur'an, the difference of our study from previous ones is that it tries to reveal the difference between human history perspectives and divine history perspectives, and focuses on legal history and historical consciousness. Approximately one third of the Qur'an consists of stories and important historical events are mentioned.  Those who read the stories of the Qur'an from an academic point of view may see the historical information in them as incomplete, uncertain and irregular. However, the purpose of the Qur'an is not to give historical information.  When the Qur'an's anecdotes and the words and compositions related to history are examined, it is seen that the names of individuals are not included except for the symbolic names, certain time periods are not mentioned, sections from the past exemplary events are presented rather than the transfer of historical information, the events occur according to the divine law and they aim to teach people. The scope of the study; The summary of Western historical perspectives consists of the Qur'anic tales, the law of intercession that touches the legal history, the combinations of ayyâmullah and sunnatullah, which point to the awareness of history.  In this study, an analytical method was used, lexical analyzes of the words and concepts related to the subject in the Qur'an were made, and the verses related to the subject were interpreted from a sociological point of view by making use of tafsir sources.  It has been concluded that if the stories of the Qur'an are read according to their own historical perspective, they will be understood more accurately and the message to be given will be understood more accurately.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2023-10-03


How to Cite

Yüksel, M. Ârif. (2023). Legal History Perspective and History Consciousness in the Qur’an. Atlas Journal, 9(51), 48–60. (Original work published September 26, 2023)


