Content Analysis of Graduate Thesis Studies on REACT strategy in Science Education in Turkey

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Science education, REACT strategy, Descriptive Content Analysis


This study aims to analyze postgraduate theses related to the REACT strategy in the field of science education between 2012 and 2023, both thematically and methodologically. For this purpose, theses published on the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Thesis Center until August 2023 were examined. A total of 24 theses at the master's and doctoral levels were subjected to analysis. The theses were analyzed under six main headings: type, year of publication, methods and designs used, sample groups, data collection tools, and data analysis methods. According to the results of the analysis, it was observed that studies on the REACT strategy were initially presented mostly as doctoral dissertations, but an increase in master's theses has been observed in the last five years. Additionally, they were evenly distributed across different disciplinary fields. Particularly, studies on light, force, and motion in physics, the particulate structure of matter in chemistry, and the systems in our bodies in biology were found to be intensive. Alongside quantitative research methods, mixed research methods were also preferred in the theses, while the use of qualitative research methods was limited. The sample groups of the theses generally consisted of middle school students. When analyzing the data collection tools, it is seen that achievement tests and scales are frequently used; attitude and motivation scales stand out. Semi-structured interview forms were preferred as qualitative data collection tools. While t-test was used in quantitative data analysis, it was observed that content analysis technique was widely used in qualitative data analysis.


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How to Cite

Pınar, M. A., & Dönel Akgül, G. (2023). Content Analysis of Graduate Thesis Studies on REACT strategy in Science Education in Turkey. Atlas Journal, 9(51), 1–13.




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