The Effects Of Corporate Reputation Perception On Organizational Performance: A Study In Private Hospitals

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Corporate reputation perception, organizational performance


In today’s world, reputation which is an important element for both public institutions and private sector companies is an abstract concept that means prestige and to be respected. Corporate reputations are seen as an abstract value place in the minds of partners, employees, customers, suppliers and in short all shareholders of a business. Reputation is a significant factor in enabling customer satisfaction and increasing market share. Therefore, reputation comes in the first place for companies.

The purpose of this study is to measure the effects of corporate reputation on organizational performance. In this study, reputation and corporate reputation terms are researched and performance and organizational performance concepts are studied. In the last section, the relationship between corporate reputation and organizational performance is analyzed also in this section which is the application part of this research, in light of the findings based on literature review, a questionnaire was conducted with 50 managers working at managerial positions at 8 different private hospitals to find out more about the effects of corporate reputation perception on organizational performance. Collected data was analyzed through SPSS software program. According to analysis results, answers regarding the effects of corporate reputation perception on organizational performance were evaluated.


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How to Cite

ET OLTULU, E. (2022). The Effects Of Corporate Reputation Perception On Organizational Performance: A Study In Private Hospitals. Atlas Journal, 8(48), 2738–2747.


