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  • Sabri DEMİRCİ Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü



The Quran verses, Commentators, Scientific Commentary


ABSTRACT In this article, this interpretation in the historical course, which means that the Quran does not prevent scientific developments, there are no verses contradicting scientific discoveries and developments, and there are verses that encourage all kinds of development in the Quran. We gave information about those who accepted and rejected their school and talked about their arguments. While giving information about scientific / science exegesis samples in the first period and scientific / science exegesis examples in the last period, Gazzâlî, Fahruddin Râzî, Suyûtî, İskenderanî, Tantâvî, etc. We tried to show the view of the commentators such as scientific commentary by giving examples, from their books. There is no verse contradicting the scientific exegesis and developments in the Qur'an, and there is no such conflict between religion and science, on the contrary, there is a harmony. According to those who advocate a scientific / science exegesis school and have a little excessive understanding, all the sciences are included in the Qur'an. Even, as there was no conflict between the sciences developing in the west since the 19th century and the Qur'an, The Quran has been a source for some sciences and scientific discoveries, they are in their opinion. Commentator Nursi, stated that there are signs in the Qur'an on technical and technology, new scientific findings and inventions, his opinion expresses while interpreting the miracles of the prophets and the stories of the prophets. Each of the miracles brought a very important perspective to the verses by saying that they point to the end points of the sciences. Each of the miracles brought a very important perspective to the verses by saying that they point to the end points of the sciences.



How to Cite

DEMİRCİ, S. (2020). SCIENTIFIC COMMENTARY AND İTS EXAMPLES. Atlas Journal, 6(26), 240–255.


