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  • Melike ÇAKAN UZUNKAVAK Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi Uludağ Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  • Gülnihal GÜL Uludağ Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, GSE Bölümü, Müzik Eğitimi ABD




Music, high school students, metaphoric perception


The concept of music, which is defined as a branch of art in which people try to express their feelings and thoughts through sounds; contributes to the social, affective and cognitive structuring process of the people and directs the ways of life and takes place at every stage of their life. In addition to benefiting from the way of narration by means of sounds, music directs the individual's life through individual, social, cultural and economic functions. Music that contributes to the individual's creativity and personality development with these functions is used as an effective and efficient tool with educational aspect; In this process, it appears as an educational tool and area with the scientific and technological developments appropriate to the requirements of the age and society which is shaped according to the needs and expectations of the individual. The aim of music education is to enable students to develop an understanding of both national and international cultures by developing their musical ego and perceptions along with artistic and technological developments. With this thought, it is seen that it is important to determine what kind of perceptions of the students who take music education within the scope of formal education about the concept of ”music''. The aim of this study is to determine the metaphors used by high school students in describing the concept of ‘’music’’ and to reveal the reasons for choosing these metaphors. The study group consisted of 248 students from 2018-2019 Academic Year Trabzon Affan Kitapçıoğlu Anatolian High School. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire. The students were asked to complete the sentence ‘Music is like ……. because………’. The data were analyzed by using the content analysis technique from qualitative research methods. As a result of the study, total of 96 metaphors have been determined about the concept of af music including steppe, playground, nature, mirror, water and food. These metaphors constituted by high school students are classified under 7 categories. When the metaphors are analyzed, it is seen that the concept of music is explained with different and more than one metaphors, and these metaphors are gathered predominantly in the categories that reveals the peaceful / soothing / relaxing / therapeutic aspects of music and emotions.



How to Cite

ÇAKAN UZUNKAVAK, M., & GÜL, G. (2019). HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ’ METAPHORIC PERCEPTIONS ON THE CONCEPT OF MUSIC. Atlas Journal, 5(20), 481–494. https://doi.org/10.31568/atlas.333


