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  • Muhammet Mustafa ÜNLÜ Öğretmen, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı



Art, Education, Art Education, Renaisssance


In this study, the reflections of Renaissance aesthetic-art education relationship are discussed. It is purpose to reveal how it affects to the art, how it directs the art world and how plays a role in shaping of the art education. For this reason, It is purposed remain under investigation the place of in art education taking account of art comprehensions at that time. In relationship art-education-thought, it is forcibly seen affects of the Antiquity alongside the influences of religious understanding of the Middle Age in the Renaissance. Remarks first in the matter of art and education revealed in the Antiquity is essential concrete and pure. Rising of the academy in addition the emergence of pure understanding along with Socrates and his students was occur scientific understanding, transfer of the art, with necessity the art development and teaching together with Aristotle. The art was used as tool of the education. Middle Age did not contradict the Antiquity both in terms of art understanding and with regard to education. Guilds had been institutions affected to beauty intellection in the Middle Age and also effectively contributed to education in master-apprentice relationship in the Renaisssance. But it began to distinguish itself the human-centered art and education understanding of Renaissance with occurrance of concepts as observation, research, talent towards to end of the Middle Age. Therefore, education in the context of theory-practice had been reconstructed. The academic activity seen in Antiquity has reappeared in the Renaissance and has arrived until today through various changes.



How to Cite

ÜNLÜ, M. M. (2019). ART EDUCATION IN RENEISSANCE. Atlas Journal, 5(18), 235–252.




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