A Research on Privatization of Military Logistics Services and Outsourcing in Nato's Logistics Activities

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Military Logistics, External Resource Use, Private Military Company


With the end of the Cold War, the United States and other Western armies undertook substantial reforms. Armies, which had previously performed various tasks with their own organs and were capable of fulfilling them everywhere due to their organic structure, have now sought ways to reduce and exploit external resources to partially fulfill their tasks. The reorganization of NATO member countries' military logistics systems included strengthening and modernizing efforts against new threats emerging after the Cold War. While many NATO members, primarily the Turkish Armed Forces, continue to cooperate with the private sector to strengthen the country's defence industry, the idea of purchasing services from outside sources has gained importance due to changes in public procurement legislation in recent years. Our study aims to investigate the potential benefits of outsourcing logistical functions to external sources and their influence on the trend of using external resources.The study aims to scrutinize the political, legal, economic, and ethical aspects of private military companies, and pinpoint potential areas of collaboration with the Turkish Armed Forces. In this context, the primary focus of the study is to determine the areas where the Turkish Armed Forces should utilize external resources, and to explore how private military organizations can effectively fulfill NATO's military logistical service requirements. In addition to previous studies, this research has the potential to raise global awareness about the importance of private military companies.


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How to Cite

Kılıç, E. (2024). A Research on Privatization of Military Logistics Services and Outsourcing in Nato’s Logistics Activities . Atlas Journal, 10(54), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12793973


