Interior Approaches To The Metaverse

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Metaverse, interior, design, digital, interior architecture.


The continuation of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in education, culture, health, and economy as well as in social life has brought positive and negative developments. To control the rapid spread of the deadly virus, precautions such as cleaning, physical distance, and mask use have been taken and quarantine practices have started. The prolonged quarantine processes accelerated the transfer of business and education life to digital platforms but limited the opportunities for people to socialize. Limitations and measures in the pandemic process; It has led to many problems affecting the collective society, where social relations and social interactions are negatively affected, the feeling of loneliness increases, anxiety, depression, stress levels increase, and the quality of life of individuals decreases. To minimize these problems, providing individuals with digital platforms where they can socialize with others and offering different user experiences have enabled new digital platforms to be more on the agenda and become widespread. Digital worlds, where different alternatives come to the fore, where people can participate in cultural activities, and create their economy, art, and living spaces, continue to develop for people who are more interested in the virtual world. Metaverse, which is defined as beyond the universe where various platforms and applications of virtual environments can come together, where users can connect from where they are, and where many companies and brands can create their digital world, is increasingly arousing interest. It is possible to trade in this virtual universe, which brings with it the digital economy, and many things including design and art can turn into material value. Architectural structuring and defined surfaces such as interior walls, ceilings, and floors, which are another dimension of the definition of space in the Meta universe, which came to the fore with the contribution of facilitating digital transformation in all areas of physical life, positively affect the spatial perception of the users. In this context, the association of digital building and surface designs with the real world and imaginary designs brings the interior design and interior architecture discipline to the agenda in the creation of fictional living spaces over realism. In the meta-universe, the necessity of dealing with interior spaces in the context of interior design discipline comes to the fore and the transformation of designs into material value will make a new contribution to the professional practice of interior architecture.


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2022-10-20 — Updated on 2023-09-27


How to Cite

KARYAĞDI, G. (2023). Interior Approaches To The Metaverse. Atlas Journal, 8(49), 2766–2782. (Original work published October 20, 2022)


