The Russo-Ukrainian War Is A Threat To Food Security In The Arab World

Russo-Ukranian war, food security, arab world, economy, riotsAbstract
The research focuses on the growing food security crisis in the Middle East and North Africa. Western sanctions against Russia have led to a sharp rise in energy and food prices, which will have an impact on global energy and commodity markets in the long run. The Russian invasion has forced Ukraine to ban the export of wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat and other foods for its own domestic food supply. It is worth highlighting that in 2021, Russia and Ukraine together exported more than a quarter of the world’s wheat, a decline or failure of which places a heavy burden on the economies of its major importers. The coronavirus epidemic has highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains, public health systems, and food and energy security. Arab countries rely heavily on grain imported from Russia and Ukraine, buying more than 60 percent of their wheat from the two countries. States that have previously faced economic problems or conflicts have now found themselves in an even more difficult situation, for which they are urgently seeking solutions. But even if importers want to replace Russia and Ukraine, they will have to face a number of challenges when looking for alternative sources of wheat supply. Rising energy prices are exacerbating the problem and leading to drastic increases in food and wheat prices. And the high price of oil makes it quite expensive to import wheat from distant producers, whether in North or South America or Australia.
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