RCD, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Cultural CooperationAbstract
Iran, Pakistan and Turkey, which are members of the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), are countries that share the same geography. The cultural ties between these three countries, which have common cultural heritage, date back to ancient times. RCD was established in Istanbul on July 21, 1964 in order to ensure cooperation in cultural, economic and technical fields. RDC carried out its work with the reports prepared by the “Regional Cooperation Working Groups for Development” as a result of the work of sub-committees such as the “Cultural Cooperation Committee”, and the reports of the “Regional Planning Committee” that brought together these reports. These reports were discussed and implemented in the meetings of the Council of Ministers most recently. Twelve of the Council of Ministers meetings between 1964-1970, which were the subject of the study, were determined. It is understood from these that the Council of Ministers Meeting is held twice a year. These meetings were held in important cities of the member countries. A joint statement was published after each meeting. These papers include what has been done in every field and what is planned to be done. Original texts of the papers were written in English. The aim of the study is to investigate cultural cooperation and promotional activities carried out by RCD between 1964-1970. The research concluded that RCD members gave importance to cultural cooperation. RCD established a "Regional Culture Institute" in Tehran to investigate the common historical and cultural heritage of the three countries. In three countries, activities such as scientific meetings and exchange of professors and students, opening cultural centers, organizing sports tournaments, exchanging cultural delegations were carried out. In terms of promotion, practices such as assigning promotion attachés of three countries to each other, ensuring cooperation between the heads of the countries' radio organizations and national news agencies, exchanging cultural, news and documentary films, publishing English news bulletins, illustrated magazines and posters in national languages were implemented. In addition, within the scope of the cultural union, practices of changing folklore, music team, violinist, artist, film, book and cultural team were adopted. Objectives such as organizing seminars on educational subjects, writing biographies of important poets, science steps, educators, and ensuring cooperation between women in the region were determined. Decisions such as establishing a promotion agency, mutually appointing cultural attachés, establishing a College of Economics and Political Sciences belonging to the RCD were taken. Activities such as opening exhibitions and making presentations at fairs were carried out. Various activities on culture like these were carried out.
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