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  • Gulnafis ERKEGALİYEVA Research Assistant, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University




syntagma, speech


The article defines the communicative function of speech as a linguistic unity, a comprehension of the world's world, knowledge of the world, the cognitive function of the generations to come, as well as the phrase of speech, and the main unit of the language is not a word, but a sentence. The main object of the syntax is to analyze whether the clause, the text, and the syntactic synthesis of the category, based on the communicative function of these syntactic units. The fundamental distinction of the syntagma is that the words and sentences contained in the sentence have semantic content, and the results are analyzed by way of examples and the way to analyze it linguistically. Syntagma is a unit of speech, structured, semantic, intonationally related speech, is considered as a structural and semantic fragment of speech that can be used to build the speech and reach the listener. The types of syntagmatic relationships that define the content of the information, depending on the purpose of the adressant, are also defined. Any word that is individually set up as a language unit becomes a speech unit when it is included in the synthesis, and its meaning is determined by the situation. This phenomenon is regarded as the main feature of the syntagma in the article. The syntagma components are synonymous with both syntactic and intonational, and syntagma is considered to be semantic, syntactic, and intonational. Due to the intonational peculiarity of the sentence, differentiating the types of intonation syntheses is recognized as a linguistic category, directly related to cognition, communication, and the content of information.



How to Cite

ERKEGALİYEVA, G. (2016). A STUDY OVER SYNTAX. Atlas Journal, 2(2), 12–16. https://doi.org/10.31568/atlas.11


