Atlas Journal en-US Atlas Journal 2619-936X Examining The Purchasing Intention of Algerian Consumers and The Factors Affecting Purchasing Intention in Terms of Demographic Variables <p>The purpose of this research is to examine whether Algerian customers' intention to purchase Turkish clothing brands and the factors affecting their purchasing intention vary according to demographic characteristics. In this context, it was examined whether attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, country of origin and purchase intention towards Turkish clothing brands differ according to the gender, age, marital status, education level and monthly income of Algerian customers. This research was conducted using quantitative methods and survey design. The data of the study were collected from 391 Algerian adults. Data were analyzed using independent samples <em>t</em> test and one-way ANOVA. It was determined that Algerian customers' country of origin perceptions differ significantly according to age and marital status. Algerians under the age of 25 have higher country of origin perceptions than Algerians in the 36-52 age group and single Algerians than married Algerians. It has been revealed that the perceived behavioral control levels of Algerians aged 17-25 are lower than older Algerians, single Algerians are lower than married Algerians, Algerians with high school and undergraduate degrees are lower than Algerians with master's and doctoral degrees, and Algerians with an income of 50000DA or less are lower than Algerians with higher income. It has been determined that the attitude levels of female Algerians towards Turkish clothing brands are higher than male Algerians, Algerians aged 17-30 are higher than older Algerians, single Algerians are higher than married Algerians, and Algerians with an income of 50000 DA or less are higher than Algerians with higher income. Female Algerians are more likely to be influenced from the people around them to buy Turkish clothing brands than male Algerians, Algerians aged 17-35 are more likely to be influenced by older Algerians, single Algerians are more likely to be influenced by married Algerians, Algerians with a master's degree are more likely to be influenced by Algerians with a bachelor's degree, and Algerians with an income of 50,000 DA or less are more likely than Algerians. It has been determined that female Algerians have higher intentions to purchase Turkish clothing brands than male Algerians, Algerians aged 17-35 than older Algerians, single Algerians than married and divorced Algerians, and Algerians with a master's degree than Algerians with a bachelor's degree.</p> Soumia Seguer Copyright (c) 2024 Atlas Journal 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 10 53 1 22 10.5281/zenodo.10874004 An Evaluation on The Applicability of Block Chain Technology in Disaster and Risk Management <p>It is stated that in the current social formation, large-scale disasters are increasing rapidly, and their effects are spreading throughout the global system. In this context, societies need to be able to identify existing risks and take innovative and coercive measures to mitigate threats on a global scale (Comfort and Rhodes, 2022: 1). The transboundary nature of the crisis requires urgent corrective action with deep uncertainty, and in this process, the new level of information technology has the capacity to respond to the search for innovative solutions in the management of disaster and risk situations. Blockchain technology is expressed as a new level reached by the digitalization process and draws attention with its applicability in the disaster and risk management process through its technical features. Blockchain, a distributed ledger technology, consists of a series of protocols based on cryptography, simultaneously accessible, decentralized, shared, data recording, storing, verifying, and updating. In this context, this new generation technology has a significant potential in solving administrative problems that arise before, during and after disasters. Areas such as identity management, smart contracts and supply chain and social aid networks are expressed as prominent areas in terms of the applicability of blockchain technology in disaster management.</p> Tuğçe Gür Türkdoğan Copyright (c) 2024 Atlas Journal 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 10 53 23 40 10.5281/zenodo.10914345 Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in The Modern World <p>Etnik çatışmalar insanlığın en eski sorunlarından biri olarak kabul edilebilir. Her ne kadar etnisitenin farklı kaynakları olduğuna dair çalışmalar olsa da, bir kişinin kendisini bir etnik grubun parçası olarak hissetmesi, kimliğinin oluşumundaki ana faktörlerden biridir. Etnik kimlik algılarının inşasından ve siyasallaştırılmasından kaynaklanan çatışmalar, bireysel, grup, devlet ve uluslararası düzeylerdeki nedenlerin eşlik ettiği bu durum, uzun süreli ve yıkıcı olma eğilimindedir. Ayrıca, aynı etnik grupların farklı ülkelere yayılmış çatışmaları, bulaşma etkileri yoluyla bu grupların çatışma ortamında yaşadığı diğer ülkeleri de içine alarak sorunun yayılmasına yol açabilir. Öte yandan, etnik sorunları bastırarak çözme girişimleri, etnik gruplara yönelik algının sona ermesinden ziyade artmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle etnik kimliklerin çeşitliliğinin tanınması ve yönetilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, etnik çatışmalara ilişkin kavramsal ve kuramsal tartışmaları ve bunların tarihsel gelişimini örnekler üzerinden sunmak ve etnik sorunların nedenlerini irdelemektir. Makalede, dünyadaki etnik ve dini çatışmaların yanı sıra, toplumun gelişiminin mevcut aşamasında etnik temelde meydana gelen Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan arasındaki çatışmayı ele almaya çalışacağız.</p> Leyla Mansurova Copyright (c) 2024 Atlas Journal 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 10 53 41 44 10.5281/zenodo.11044863 Asynchronous Interactions In New Media Art <p>With the 20th century, art and art practices began to take shape through an intellectual process. The changing language of the new world has changed both the perception of the artist and the means of art. The artist was not left out of these new technological or industrial processes. On the contrary, he knows how to use new tools and materials as an artistic language. In this context, New Media as a new medium has opened up different areas of experience for both the artist and the viewer. It has enabled practices of interaction, asynchronicity and synchronicity beyond traditional narratives. While constructing their new media practices, artists have created a fluid environment that does not exclude the audience but keeps them within the work. With the use of digital technology, television, telephone, telegraph and telecommunications, which are valuable on their own, have turned into a hybrid tool in the same environment as multi-media. Artists have been influenced by these hybrid tools and transformed these tools into an art form in a unique way. In this context, this research study will focus on the language of New Media tools that allow interaction and asynchrony in terms of artistic practices.</p> Bülent Bulduk Copyright (c) 2024 Atlas Journal 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 10 53 45 51 10.5281/zenodo.11045015